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The MVMT Studio is about moving your Body, your Mind and making a Movement; a change within yourself. We offer 4:1 Small Group Training as well as Personal Training options, and we are here to shake up how you approach your health and wellness.

Now is the time to become the best version of yourself, both physically and mentally.

Are you ready to make the Move?



Move The Body

Our MVMT options at The MVMT Studio are 4:1 Small Group Training and Personal Training sessions.

In our 4:1 Small Group Training sessions you get the consistency of training at the same time each week, with the same group of people, in four week blocks. You'll be able to reach your goals more quickly compared to large classes, as we create and track your individual goals, allowing us to design a detailed and individualised program specifically for you.

For both training styles we educate you about training your body to perform at its best, so you feel energised, strong and lengthened after each session.

Move The Mind

Moving your body and eating well only makes up part of what you need to feel amazing. Defining why you want to change is key. Once we determine your fitness and health goals, we will then go over why you want to achieve them.

Before we start you'll receive our Goal Setting booklet that helps us create the discussion about what you want out of the sessions and how we can create the best training regime for you according to your goals.

Make A Movement Within Yourself

Now is the time to get moving! Get ready to hit the reset button, or take your fitness and health to the next level. It’s time to take the next step and make the commitment to yourself that you are focussing on you and your wellbeing.

We will take you through our fitness analysis to provide you with a personalised training plan.

Whether its losing weight, gaining muscle or toning up, we'll make sure you're functioning at your optimal level and that you get the most out of your training sessions.

Your trainers and community are ready to welcome you at The MVMT Studio.








Your Personal Trainers

The MVMT Studio take pride in working with highly qualified and experienced Personal Trainers and Instructors. We know that your health is in our hands and our dedicated team are here to guide you towards your specific needs and goals.

Kari Ritterman
Director of The MVMT Studio & Certified Personal Trainer

Canadian turned Aussie; Adrenalin junkie; Fun-run fanatic; Dog lover.

Kari is the mastermind behind The MVMT Studio, and has been empowering people to live their best life for the last 15 years as a personal trainer.

Her love for health and fitness started from a young age, after trying her hand at an array of different sports. Her softball skills saw her represent Canada, before being scouted to play in New Zealand.

Kari's expertise extends beyond traditional personal training. She is well-versed in various disciplines, including Pre and Post Natal Training, Altitude Training, and Nutrition for Exercise and Sport. As a certified Yoga Instructor, she embraces the holistic approach to wellness and understands the mind-body connection. Kari is also an advanced Boxing Fitness Trainer, and she has completed workshops in BOSU and TRX, utilizing innovative training tools to enhance her clients' workouts.

Sessions with Kari at The MVMT Studio are more than just fitness sessions; they are dynamic pathways to strength and personal achievement. Her coaching style is motivating, high-energy, and fun-filled, creating an environment where clients feel inspired to unlock their inner power and reach new heights of physical performance.

Expect Kari to provide expert guidance on precise technique, functional strength training, proper breathing, and effective recovery methods. Alongside her knowledge, you can count on her infectious positivity, encouragement, and a good dose of laughter to keep those abdominal muscles engaged and spirits lifted.

Make your next move with Kari and The MVMT Studio. 

Jessica Anderson
Head of Personal Training &
Studio Manager

Peanut butter addict; loves cooking while dancing in the kitchen; enjoys a cold ocean dip to start her day. 

Jess is our Head of Personal Training, she is a certified Fitness Coach and has been helping clients as a personal trainer for over a decade. Jess is passionate about helping people achieve their goals in a sustainable and holistic way.

Born across the ditch in New Zealand, Jess has always had a keen interest in sport, the human body and helping others. From playing many different sports growing up and moving to Melbourne in her early 20's where she started her studies in Personal Training. Jess has called Melbourne home for the past 12 years. Jess has been a big part of the health and fitness industry from running bootcamps, food and mindset courses and wellness coaching. She also holds certifications in TRX, Boxing and brings her knowledge of mindful movement with her Yoga Certification. Jess has completed studies in food psychology, and in a past life used to compete in fitness competitions.

Jess believes in truly understanding how YOUR body works and doing movement that not only feels good but is healthy for your body. She does this by focusing on form, breaking down the exercise and creating an inclusive and safe environment to workout in.

Jess brings a lot of energy and focus into each session, while utilizing all of her skills to deliver mindful movement based workouts that give you a full body and mind experience.

Fitness and health is a lifestyle Jess lives and breathes and is here to inspire you to feel the best you can.

Make your next move with Jess at The MVMT Studio

Tiffany Berry
Certified Personal Trainer &
Certified Yoga Instructor

Lover of literature who cherishes summers in Italy and revels in the beauty of the great outdoors.

Tiffany's unique approach combines the power of physical fitness with mindfulness techniques to create a transformative and empowering experience for her clients. 

In her early twenties, Tiffany tried various strict diets, intense workouts, and quick-fix solutions that left her feeling frustrated and lost. Determined to forge a different path, she embarked on a quest for knowledge, undertaking training with experts in Powerlifting, CrossFit, Muay Thai, and Yoga, and has worked alongside Allied Health Professionals in Physiotherapy and Dietetics.

Tiffany is a lifelong learner. She has extensively studied exercise methods that are backed by science and holds certificates in Fitness and Informed Yoga for trauma, anxiety, depression, and body image.

During Tiffany's sessions, you can anticipate a dynamic and engaging experience. Her coaching style is quite unique where everyone is encouraged to explore their own limits. You'll find a mix of challenging exercises that focus on building functional strength, mobility, and overall body awareness. She aims to provide clear instructions and demonstrations, ensuring that each participant can follow along and make progress at their own pace. 

Tiffany’s goal is to help you not only improve your physical well-being but also cultivate a sense of mindfulness and connection between your body and mind.

Make your next move with Tiff at The MVMT Studio

Kaisa Kastegren
Certified Physiotherapist, Personal Trainer & Pilates Instructor

Finnish girl who escaped the snowy winters to Australian sun, beach and outdoor lifestyle. (But then she found herself living in Melbourne)

Kaisa’s Physio background combined with Personal Training and Pilates ensures clients are in safe hands. Kaisa has been helping clients becoming strong, flexible and pain free for a decade.

Kaisa is passionate about  holistic approach with health, fitness and wellbeing.  “To be truly healthy and balanced we´ll need to combine exercise with stress management, good sleep habits and nourishing food.”

With coaching Kaisa specialised in ideal muscle balance, flexibility, posture and deep core muscle conditioning. Kaisa emphasises individuality, safety and quality of the exercises. She has a very nurturing and caring teaching style with clients.

Kaisa is an addicted learner and a self-help-junkie. She is always reading and studuying anything from musculoskeletal rehab, nutrition, mindfulness and stress management to holistic health. At the moment she is making her own probiotic Kefir drink  inspired by the latest gut microbiome health studies.

Over the weekends you`ll find Kaisa somewhere in the great Victoria´s nature. She loves hiking trips, bush walks and picnics. Breathing in the fresh air and admiring the beauty of the surroundings calms the body and the mind.

Make your next move with Kaisa at The MVMT Studio